Round 16

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Revision as of 22:43, 18 April 2006 by Lok (talk | contribs)
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Round 16 was the 18th round of Planetarion (there was a Round 9.5 and a Round 10.5) and in an attempt to draw more players to the game, accounts are free. The round was named 'The End Of An Era', a name submitted by KingAlan. This name is a reference to the end of the PAX system. The next round was to be based on the PAN engine, although the changes to Round 17 were eventually too subtle to say that the game engine had been changed.

The ship stats featured the return of several classic ship names, including the 'Interceptor'. (now a Zik FI-FI ship)

Ticks started at 21:00 GMT on Friday 27th January, with a shuffle at tick 36 (9:00 GMT Sunday 29th January),
and continued until 21:00 GMT on the 25th March, due to some server stoppages late on.

Round 16 began with 1up, NewDawn, Angels taking up all the running. After 1up gained a lead after skirmishes between NewDawn and Angels, the universe quickly changed focus on them and a long, drawn out painful war ensued. 1up although heavily pegged back managed to hold out but despite this considerable achievement were to be denied a round victory by Ascendancy who after spending the majority of the round rising up to 9th place, shot up to a 40 million score lead by adding all their members into their tag due to their non-reliance on defence allowing them to go without members in tag. Ascendancy held out for a remarkable victory, their recruiting to 1st pretty much knocking the wind out of their opposition's sails.

3:9 won the galaxy race having led for large chunks of the round and the eventual winner of the biggest planet was the moderator of Alliance Discussions, JonnyBGood who held on despite the efforts of rain who was gaining fast on him by the closing stages of the round.